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Molly Sims is undoubtedly one of those women who has it all. We were lucky enough to have a chat with her about all things Molly Sims — beauty, family and overcoming fears. If you don’t already love Molly, you’re sure to see what we see after reading this!

What was your first big modeling campaign? What do you remember about the experience and how did it shape your career?

I hate to sound cliché, but back in the day, Sports Illustrated was the gig that put your name with a face. Through that opportunity, I got jobs for MTV’s House of Style, Cover Girl and Old Navy.

Tell us a little bit about your upcoming book, The Everyday Supermodel: My Beauty, Fashion and Wellness Secrets Made Simple, which comes out on January 15. What will surprise readers most about the book? What do you hope people take away from it?

The book isn’t about turning you into a supermodel. It’s about teaching you how to be the best you you can be. From how to eat to how to dress to how to do my makeup, I’ve learned so much over the years, and I’m excited for the opportunity to share my tips and tricks with others.

Who is your favorite designer to work with and why?

I love Jenna Lyons from J.Crew. I love Phoebe Philo from Celine, and Sarah Burton from Alexander McQueen, even though I can’t always afford their stuff. When I want to be a French Hippie, I turn to Isabel Marant. And when I can’t afford any of the above, I rely on Zara for all things designer-inspired.

Everyone wants to know how you stay in such great shape, especially after having a baby. What are some of your favorite workouts? Do you have any diets that you swear by?

Staying fit isn’t easy. It takes time and commitment! But the more I work out, the better I feel. I’m a big believer in switching up my exercise routine. Whether it’s doing Pilates, the Tracy Anderson Method, Soul Cycle, or just hiking outdoors, I try to do something different every day. I love working with Rebecca Baer from Baer Nutrition. She focuses on a crafting a well-balanced diet with an emphasis on fiber and lean proteins. She teaches me how to eat meals that keep me slim while still feeling full and satisfied.

You are expecting baby number two. What names are sticking out in your mind? Do you know if it is a boy or a girl? Any plans to take some time off of work once your little one arrives?

We’ve been so busy, we haven’t even thought about names! And we’re keeping the sex a surprise. When I had Brooks, I moved my office into my home. It makes it easier to take “mommy breaks” and I’ll definitely be taking a lot more of those when the new baby arrives.

You are naturally stunning. What is the one product you simply can’t live without and why? Any thoughts on aging?

Why thank you — that is quite a compliment! After over 20 years of trying and testing different beauty products, I really can’t limit my favorite to just one. But I will say that Natura Bissé La Creme is a great investment. I add a dollop of it to my foundation or tinted moisturizer to get that instant dewy look. I’m also loving the EVE LOM primer. I’m known for my sun-kissed glow. And in January, my new beauty line, Molly Sims Beauty, will be publishing four chubby sticks. They’re a multifaceted product that gives me an instant glow. From my lips to my cheeks to my eyes, it doesn’t matter what look I’m going for, this is definitely my go-to beauty staple.

What is your most favorite trend for winter? What would surprise us about your closet?

I love all of the mélange sweaters I’m seeing — I even blogged about it! I just got one from Isabel Marant. I plan to live in it all season long. I think that some people are under the impression that if you’re in the public eye, you don’t wear outfits more than once. But that couldn’t be less true for me! I still wear pieces that I’ve had for 20 years. And when I’m out shopping, if I try something on that I don’t think I could get a ton of wear out of, I won’t buy it. It doesn’t matter how inexpensive it is!

What inspires you on a daily basis and why?

My son Brooks! When I watch him, I can literally see him absorbing everything around him. Every day he speaks more and more. It’s so exciting!

How did your decisions in your 20s help mold who you are today?

The best advice I got in my 20s was “don’t be afraid of change.” Change can be scary, but it brings new opportunities — good and bad — and it’s hard because you don’t know what’s going to happen. But it’s those changes that have made me who I am today. For instance, getting into Vanderbilt was the hardest thing I’d ever achieved in my first 18 years of life. And then, all of a sudden, I was asked to go to New York and model from one day to the next. Four months after that, I moved to Europe for six years. I eventually transitioned from modeling to hosting to acting — all of which were big changes I was anxious about at the time. But it was those leaps of faith that shaped my career into what it is today. And just a little note… work gets work. Saying “yes” is easier than saying “no!”

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Your career is going in so many directions. Do you have any other ambitions?

Yes! I always tell people to “never stop dreaming” and I try to take my own advice. I have a giant notepad in my office. Every time I get a new idea for a project, I write it down.

Where did your fear of flying come from?

I’m from Murray, Kentucky — a tiny little town in the Bible Belt where the nearest airport is two hours away. By the time I was 18, I had only flown once in my life! When I started modeling and had to fly a lot for work, flying was a bit of a big, scary and unsettling experience. I even developed weird superstitions to calm my nerves. But now, I love flying — especially alone. It’s one of the only times when I really get to sit down, relax, and enjoy the peace and quiet.

Do you believe in New Year’s resolutions and what were yours this past year?

I do believe in them and I swear I’m going to stick by them every year. Like every girl, I promise to “work out more, watch my weight more and just do everything better.” Clearly that doesn’t always happen, but I definitely try!

When you think back on your life, did you ever think you would have become such an international success in the world of modeling? What was the first runway show you ever did? Did you get any pointers from your colleagues?

When I first started modeling, my agents sent me to Europe to get some more experience under my belt. I spent the next six months just trying to earn enough work to pay them back for my ticket! I always dreamed big, but I can’t say I ever realized the amazing adventures my career would take me on. I’m so grateful!

One of the most exciting things I ever did was walk the runway for Alexander McQueen in six-inch heels, walking on cobblestone around a stripper pole. Trust me, that wasn’t easy. But I will always cherish that experience I had working with him and he is forever missed.

What is your favorite brand of cosmetics?

It really depends on the beauty product in question, but I love Nars, Benefit, Bobbi Brown, Laura Mercier and EVE LOM.

What app do you use the most on your phone?

I know it may sound like a shameless plug, but I actually just created an app for my website,, which I’m really excited about! I update the site every day with my new discoveries in fashion, food, beauty, DIY projects and everything in between! It’s definitely a passion project of mine and I’m very proud of it… I also love Waze. Here in LA, traffic is inevitable so I’m all for an app that makes it more bearable.

What do you hope your children learn from you?

Respect, that you can do anything you want in life and being grateful.

What is your most valued possession and what makes it so important?

My charm necklace. It contains charms for everyone in my family — even my dogs! It’s a way for me to keep them close to my heart at all times.

What is your biggest regret and how would you handle things differently knowing what you now know about yourself?

In my 30s, I was co-dependent with a boy. And I regret that time I wasted. Don’t be afraid to leave someone that isn’t good for you.

Photographer Jeff Vespa

Stylist Rob Zangardi & Mariel Haenn

Hair & MUA Joey Maalouf