Expert. Loving. Entrepreneur.

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As Co-Founder of FitnessSocial® Studio in Fresno, Dina Juve is a transformation expert and weight loss specialist. Childhood struggles with health lead to her desire to get well, and a passion for fitness and overall wellness emerged. Today, Juve’s repertoire stretches far beyond her studio, established in 2012. She uses her online platforms to meet several types of health and fitness needs. Juve also designs wellness plans privately tailored to her clients’ special circumstances, recognizing that everyone’s lifestyle and journey is unique—her plans are truly a mind, body, and soul experience.

DinaJuve.com™ offers programs for losing weight and detoxing. Having graduated from Chopra University, she’s certified as an Ayurveda teacher. Her Underneath the Fat™ blog covers everything from recipes and meditation to athleticwear, while the online Underneath the Fat® program deals with the emotional layers that prevent weight loss. Juve’s Real Fast Food Club™ takes the guesswork out of grocery lists and meal planning by offering readers recipes made with five ingredients or less—lighter in calories, but still full of flavor. Juve’s workouts can even be viewed on the Playbook™ app. 

It all seems to come naturally to Juve, who is living proof that her methods work. “I’ve always felt different. At age six, my juvenile arthritis kept me from being a normal kid. And I was overweight, which led to bullying and depression. I found myself at 202 lbs. pre-pregnancy. After I had my son, I knew things had to change.” So, at 21, she started doing workout videos in her living room and implementing small food changes. Within a few years, she was healthy and finally happy.

It wasn’t until Juve met her husband, John, that she developed her personal journey, to become educated on healthy living, into a viable business. “When I met my husband, I was a Brand Marketing Director. Our marriage gave me the freedom to decide what I actually wanted to do. It was time to help others live the life they wanted, in the body they desired.” 

It is her belief that the body can achieve whatever the mind believes. “Because of this, I was able to lose 90lbs and keep it off. I made the choice to put my mind, body, and soul first.” This all-encompassing journey has become her legacy. “It’s guided me to my destiny. It is my duty, as a human being, to help create and encourage a healthier and happier world in which love (every kind) truly conquers all.” And for those who are receptive, “I feel very confident I can help anyone, who is ready, reach their body, fitness, health, nutrition, and overall wellness goals.

What was the beginning, on a professional level, for Juve? “I started by taking every cutting edge and highly acclaimed course in nutrition and fitness. But most programs only had roughly a 7% success rate. Kettlebell changed my outlook on body fitness.” She considers herself a forever student and still continues her education as advances are made, learning more about mentality and meditation so that she can teach others how to implement mindset into their daily lives. “23 years of hard work as a fitness trainer, weight loss specialist, meditation teacher, wellness entrepreneur, lead me to proudly say: I am a transformation expert.”

Juve’s accomplishments have been recognized at the national level. Being featured as one of five national trainers on the cover of Women’s Health magazine in 2015 is validation that she is one of the best in the business. “If you would have asked me at 21 if that was possible, I would have laughed. It would have been so far-fetched. At 41, after four pregnancies, losing 90 pounds (pre-pregnancy), being featured on the cover of a national magazine, and being able to share my story and help others was pretty surreal. At 44 I feel better than at 21.” That honor included two appearances on the Today show. Since 2016, she’s been a Women’s Health magazine Action Hero, which highlights women creating change in the world. And in 2017, she was the first woman in Fresno selected by Saint Agnes Medical Center for the Spirit of Women Award.

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Being a fitness specialist, Juve’s work enriches the lives of her clients daily, by giving them the freedom to enjoy their health, but that isn’t enough for her. “Giving back to others and helping them overcome something makes me jump for joy (literally)! That is the only time I jump, lol.” Juve holds a number of charities close to her heart, which have stemmed from both her work and personal experiences. “I’m very lucky that my partnerships with incredible, giving companies have allowed me to be involved with so many charities across the globe.” FitnessSocial® Studio makes it their mission to give back every quarter to a local charity. “Some charities come to us and some are based on client recommendations. We have also done social media requests, which educates us in areas that need additional help. Personally, after losing my daughter [Anna], Hinds Hospice, Angel Babies holds a special place in my heart. I felt alone and didn’t realize how many others had gone through the same heartbreaking experience.” 

Becoming a mother made Juve want to leave our world a better place for her boys, Tommy, 26, Tyler, 13, and Trevor, 11. “I want my children to see me laugh, travel, love what I do, take care of my body, teach others to live the life they want and without feeling guilty, give back to others, and to know that you can change your destiny. If you are really passionate about what you do and love, fight with all you have because it’s worth it.” She hopes her work ethic and motivation to give back to society is something her children will take with them. “If they love what they do, it won’t feel like work.” But it’s also important to “make time to play … No one else determines your happiness. When you hit a roadblock, find a way around. Fight for what you love. Love with all your heart, even if it’s broken. Your health’s your wealth, so take good care of your mind, body, soul.”

When it comes to the personal/professional juggling act, Juve’s outlook reflects her acceptance of whatever life throws at her. “I don’t believe in balance. I believe in ebb and flow. We go where we are needed the most. Sometimes our families need us more, sometimes our profession needs more of us, and sometimes we have to stop and give back to ourselves to recharge to keep going. There’s a misconception and stress associated with the pressure of being balanced. It can drive us crazy. Sometimes we need to just give ourselves a break.”

For Juve, this includes the occasional food indulgence. “My favorite meal is filet, asparagus, a slice of rich chocolate cake, and red wine.” Getting at least eight hours of rest is one of her essentials, and “sleeping in when I don’t have to get up for work at 3:45 a.m.” is a luxury. Reading, not checking her phone, visiting friends, naps, and binge watching movies with her dog, Bella, also make the list. “Sometimes the family joins me, but they lovingly allow mom to re-charge … Mediation has opened a new door for me. It used to be hard to stop and recharge but giving myself that time has been a gift … My work is my passion, so, at times, it’s my self-care.”

Photography Randy Haron

Managing Editor Lauren Barisic

Hair Nogodar Martinez

Makeup Juan Salcedo

Manicurist Blas Tristan

Jewelry Gianni Fine Jewelers

Location Peerless Building, Downtown Fresno