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There’s no shortage of Colombian stars in this world—the Central American country seems to be overflowing with beauty. So it should be no surprise to learn that the Colombian bombshell Nataly Correa was born in Cartagena.

As a little girl, Nataly dreamed of being a model. “From an early age, I felt admiration for this world of fashion and beauty. When I discovered that I had potential I went for it.” Her supportive parents allowed their daughter to give it a shot at the age of 12. She began her career as a youth model in one of the best agencies in the capitol “City of Eternal Spring,” Medellin. Great success followed her early modeling career, leading her to be represented by some of the most prominent firms in the country.

Nataly’s success persisted, leading to her being hired by many notable Colombian magazines. International and national proposals for television shows and major events followed, as offers emerged for her to work as an actress. “I moved to Madrid 16 years ago,” to pursue those dreams, Nataly recalled. And she has made Spain her home, since.

With so much accomplishment under her belt, the Colombian model decided to take a break from her career to become a mom. “I have a beautiful family. I am married to a super man,” Nataly said of her husband. “He is very intelligent and I admire him so much. I could say that he is and will always be the perfect man for me. I say he’s like me but even more successful, and I have Tarek and Philip, my kids, who are my reason for living and fighting every day. I also have a pet that is my other baby: a Boston terrier dog named India.”

While Nataly considers her family her greatest success, she desires to “never stop working on myself and learning,” which has initiated both her modeling comeback and segue into the makeup industry. “I am finishing my own line of cosmetic beauty, for all those women that take care of themselves and that in spite of the years want to look more beautiful,” explained Nataly.

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Early off, she recalled that the best advice she received was to have her goals clear, “without letting anything influence me as the person I am, since this world is very demanding.” With so much to juggle, it’s impressive that Nataly manages to do it all. “I differentiate my professional life from the personal one, and I always keep my balance,” Nataly boasted. “I am a very happy and positive woman and I believe in my goals. I am very independent,” which allows her to “lead my life calmly both as a businesswoman and as a model.”

Persistence and self-confidence are key for any entrepreneur, no matter the profession or where one is in life. But in Nataly’s world, “there is no age, there is attitude.” And eyelashes, perfume, lipstick, and twice-weekly full-body coconut oil masks for hair and skin help maintain that ideal.

Managing Editor Lauren Barisic

Photographer Juan Chu

Model Nataly Correa @natalycorrea_s

Stylist Alba Mira

PR Agency SGG Public Relations

Location The Bellini’s restaurant, Madrid, Spain