Plastic Surgeon Dr. Michael Newman Explains How He Helps Patients Achieve Their Most Authentic Aesthetic Self

Dr. Michael Newman is known as one of the most elite, and “hunkiest,” plastic surgeons in Beverly Hills. His world-class training, wealth of experience, and artistic talent is only enhanced by an exceptionally compassionate demeanor, making the experience he offers, from consultation to amazing results, stand apart from others. With uncompromising safety standards and a reputation for remarkable outcomes, women and men alike are drawn to his aesthetic vision and surgical technique, which are aimed to enhance the human form. Specializing in cosmetic breast and body contouring surgeries, Dr. Newman remains at the forefront of advanced plastic and reconstructive surgeries.

As a board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Newman trained at some of the nation’s most prestigious institutions before establishing his Beverly Hills practice. He is a faculty member at the University of California, Los Angeles’ David Geffen School of Medicine, and is consistently included in the List of Super Doctors published annually by Los Angeles Magazine. Because of his work with breast cancer patients, ABC’s Nightline featured Dr. Newman’s unique skills and compassionate, patient-focused care when performing breast reconstruction—he is known for the use of the fat transfer technique, especially with implants, for more natural looking augmentation. Having performed thousands of cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries, Dr. Newman understands the unique personal nature of plastic surgery and works closely with each patient to achieve the aesthetic goals they desire when recommending treatment paths.

Plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Newman

LB Tell us about your work with breast cancer patients.

MN I am a board-certified plastic surgeon and I frequently work with breast cancer patients, specifically performing breast reconstruction after lumpectomy or mastectomy procedures used to treat breast cancer. Breast reconstruction can be performed either with an implant or with tissue taken from somewhere else on the patient’s body. The most common source for tissue is the abdomen, but other areas can be used as well, including the back, buttocks, and thighs. 

LB What drew you to mastering the DIEP flap procedure?

MN Breast reconstruction using abdominal tissue can have different names, depending on the complexity, including TRAM, SIEA, and DIEP. The DIEP flap is the most complex and most technically difficult since it involves dissection around the abdominal muscles in order to preserve them. It is essentially a transplant surgery where the abdominal tissue is transplanted from the abdomen to chest as a block of tissue. I deliberately sought out proper training for this technique during my education so that I would be able to offer it to patients in our community since it has many advantages over other techniques.


LB In what ways is a DIEP flap preferential to traditional implants?

MN Implant reconstruction is a great option for many patients. However, for patients with some excess abdominal tissue after having children, DIEP flap reconstruction offers several advantages. DIEP flap tissue is permanent, so it requires no maintenance and no replacement. DIEP flap tissue grows or shrinks in proportion with the patient’s body over time. Also, patients having DIEP flap surgery get the benefit of having a tummy tuck, too, since the excess tissue from their abdomen is moved to their breasts. It essentially is a two for one—two benefits with only one surgery!


LB How does preparation and recovery for the DIEP flap differ from that of traditional implant surgeries?

MN DIEP flap surgery takes longer than implant surgery, so it is more important to be in good shape prior to surgery in order to have a faster recovery. Aerobic exercises and core strengthening exercises are the most beneficial. A high protein diet prior to surgery helps with healing as well, since proteins are the building blocks for cellular growth and repair.  Recovery from DIEP flap surgery is also longer compared to implant surgery—typically about double the time.


LB Can a DIEP flap procedure be done at the time of mastectomy?

MN Yes, DIEP flap surgery can be performed at the same time as mastectomy surgery. That allows patients to never experience a moment without breasts. They start surgery with their native breasts and they wake up from surgery with new reconstructed breasts. However, there are some situations where DIEP flap surgery is performed at a separate time from mastectomy surgery, such as in the setting of radiation or concerns about healing. In those situations, a temporary implant can be used for reconstruction until the patient is ready for the DIEP flap procedure.


LB Why aren’t more doctors recommending DIEP flap surgery as a reconstructive option for mastectomy?

MN DIEP flap surgery is very complicated and lengthy. Training for DIEP flap surgery is also somewhat limited. Many doctors don’t have the appropriate training, don’t have the physical or mental fortitude, or don’t have the necessary support from anesthesiologists and nurses to be able to provide DIEP flap surgery to their patients. In addition, financial reimbursement for DIEP flap surgery can be unpredictable, so there is a financial risk for the doctor as well.


LB Is the DIEP flap procedure exclusively used for breast cancer survivors, or is it also an option for elective cosmetic surgery?

MN DIEP flap surgery is generally limited to breast cancer patients since it is complicated, lengthy, and expensive. Fortunately, it is covered by health insurance. It also involves significant scarring compared to traditional breast augmentation surgery. Therefore, DIEP flap surgery is not commonly performed for elective cosmetic breast surgery. However, an alternative that can be performed for elective cosmetic breast surgery is fat transfer via liposuction and fat injection. Fat transfer is much lower in cost with a shorter recovery time and less scarring compared to DIEP flap surgery. Fat transfer is a great option for elective cosmetic breast enhancement.


LB What questions should a potential DIEP flap surgery patient consider and ask before choosing the procedure?

MN Patients considering DIEP flap surgery should specifically ask their surgeon about his or her experience with the procedure. Patients should also ask if they are good candidates for the procedure. Some patients that seek out DIEP flap surgery are not good candidates since they don’t have enough excess tissue over their abdomen. In addition, patients should have a detailed understanding about recovery time so that they can set realistic expectations for time away from work and support at home during recovery.

Managing Editor Lauren Barisic