Cosmetic dentist Dr. Sam Namdarian shares how he helps every patient smile brightly

Fresno Smile Makeovers (FSM), led by Dr. Sam Namdarian, offers cosmetic dentistry you can trust! An undergraduate of the University of California, Santa Cruz, Dr. Namdarian went on to earn his DMD degree from Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine before completing a two-year post-doctoral residency program at University Medical Center, Fresno, where he served as Chief Resident. Dr. Namdarian achieved post-graduation certification from the UCLA School of Dentistry and is a member of numerous professional dental organizations. A member of the Frontier Institute, he now serves as clinical instructor to dentists attending their cosmetic courses.

As one of the top cosmetic dentists in California, Dr. Namdarian and his staff are experts in creating beautiful smiles. Fresno Smile Makeovers offers a vast array of cosmetic dental offerings, including: bridges, composite fillings, crowns, implant restorations, Invisalign, veneers, and teeth whitening. Dr. Namdarian has taken extensive training in Invisalign, having achieved Platinum Plus Preferred Provider status due to his many successful Invisalign cases—over 1,500 Invisalign patients now smile with confidence at Dr. Namdarian’s hands! Visit to schedule a consultation for whatever your heart desires for your smile today.

Before and After Photo Comparison

LB How do you ease patient concerns, from consultation to procedure day?
SN I always educate patients during the initial consultation. I give thorough explanations of the procedure, the outcome, and answer any questions a patient has. Wax-up models and mock-up technique help patients visualize the treatment outcome. This helps put patients at ease from start to finish.

LB What factors determine how complex a new case will be?
SN The hardest cases always start from the occlusion, also known as the bite. I must determine how to correct or improve the occlusion. This requires a precise measurement, accurate records, good photography, and a great line of communication between our office and the dental laboratory.

LB What kind of maintenance or follow-up work is necessary specifically for veneers?
SN I believe the main thing is routine checkups to make sure the surrounding gum is healthy, and the bite is still correct. We do follow-up visits for cosmetic cases a week after the final seat of the veneers, and we revisit common problem such as the bite and adjust as necessary. There is no special maintenance really—patients need to continue practicing good hygiene habits.

LB What options are available to those in need of cosmetic dentistry on a budget?
SN Composite bonding is an alternative to porcelain veneers. For people in need of cosmetic treatment, we offer financing options.


LB What advice would you offer someone who is interested in reviving their smile but doesn’t know where to start?
SN The answer is very simple: start with us at Fresno Smile Makeovers! We will guide you to your perfect smile.

Editorial Director Lauren Barisic

Photo courtesy of Fresno Smile Makeovers.