How to start a new fitness program or try a new style of working out.

Some of the primary reasons most people have a hard time starting a workout routine are:

“I cannot afford to.” “I do not have the time.” “I am too old to start now.” “I would not know where to start.” “I am too embarrassed to work out.” “It is too difficult or painful when I do.”

Despite the many reasons people have to not workout, it is indisputable that physical activity can improve one’s overall health. I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase, “Your health is your wealth.” The past few years have shown us how true this expression really is. Regular exercise can help reduce your risk of health issues, help you maintain a healthy weight, and strengthen your bones and muscles.

The Department of Health & Human Services’ Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans 2nd Edition recommends the following exercise guidelines for aerobic activity and strength training:

fitness girl model

Aerobic Activity

Get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity a week, or an equal combination of moderate and vigorous aerobic activity. The guidelines suggest that you spread out this exercise over a week. To provide even greater health benefits and to assist with weight loss or maintaining weight loss, at least 300 minutes a week is recommended. 

If the above recommendations are too overwhelming, it’s okay. You don’t have to follow them rigidly. Don’t use it as a reason not to get aerobic activity in. Even small bursts of activity throughout the day can add up and provide health benefits.

If this still sounds difficult, it doesn’t have to be. An effective aerobic activity can be as simple as a brisk walk, jogging in place, or jumping rope. There are two easy ways to measure your exercise intensity: 

1) how you feel,  and  2) your heart rate. If you are unsure how to measure your heart rate, you can find instructions on how to calculate it at or you may procure a heart rate monitor. 

Strength Training

Do strength training exercises for all major muscle groups at least two times a week. Aim to do a single set of each exercise using a weight or resistance heavy enough to tire your muscles after about 12 to 15 repetitions.

If you are unsure what your major muscle groups are and the best exercises for each, you can look them up online, get a strength training book, or schedule a private training session. If you have health issues that may prevent you from working certain muscle groups or your doctor has told you to avoid using certain muscle groups, I’d suggest asking your doctor to refer you to work with a physical therapist.

I truly believe there is a fitness routine for everyone. We have already gone over the benefits of having a fitness program in place and why it is important. You just need to find the right one for you. Maybe you have worked out before and didn’t see the changes you hoped for, got hurt or injured, or just needed a break.

It is time for you to try a new style of working out.

With all of the changes happening, we have also seen that the future of fitness is shifting, too. The COVID-19 crisis continues to put a major focus on health. Fitness trends continue to emerge in the industry. Mental health and fitness continue to interlink with mind-body practices. We are seeing higher demands for personalized services, but now we are seeing virtual personal training and online offers from personal trainers. You are no longer dependent on your location, although I do believe in supporting your community, too. 

New styles of working out include:

Hybrid Gym Memberships

You have the option to workout in person, virtually, or opt to head into the gym only a few days a week. But you can also workout at home. Hybrid memberships are providing payment options so customers can do both and pay that way.

Wearable Tracking Technology

Smartwatches and fitness trackers are adding features that allow you to see metrics like body temperature, stress levels, sleep, and heart rate. You can even have healthy competitions with your friends and family. 

Exercising Outdoors

People are spending more time outdoors again. That is also good for the mind and body. You can even do a Google search to find the best spots to workout outdoors in your area. They can be on your own, or opportunities with fitness trainers and gyms/studios that provide outdoor social distancing classes. We are also seeing more people hiking, running, and cycling outside again. 

Smart Home Gyms

Equipment was already trending before the pandemic, but multiple lockdowns really accelerated recreating gym equipment. For many people, home gym equipment can be pricey, but brands are focusing more on size and price. More companies are creating options that fold and store easily.

If you are a fitness beginner or it is time to try a new style of working out, we have more options than ever. Moreover, more people are talking about fitness being important for our bodies and minds, including our doctors. Starting a fitness program is an important decision, so if you have any concerns, talk to your doctor about the best options for you. 

Dina Juve

Dina Juve

Health & Fitness Editor

Dina has been in health and fitness for over twenty years. Her health and wellness brand and methods utilize a mind, body, and soul approach to physical health, allowing her to help her clients create the bodies and lives they desire. Though based in California’s Central Valley, she is globally known as a fitness guru, transformation expert, weight loss specialist, and meditation teacher, and she has also worked with dozens of high-profile clients and celebrities across the world.