LUX Beauty Talk 101: DIY Chemical Free Treatments
1. DIY Hair Mask - For color treated or damaged hair, there are just a few simple ingredients that will help bring those locks back to life!
- 1 Egg Yolk
- 2 Tbsp. Coconut Oil
- 1 Tbsp. Honey
Double recipe for long hair. Combine ingredients in a blender or whisk ingredients together until well-blended. Apply the mask evenly throughout damp hair, making sure to cover damaged ends. If you have long hair, tie it up. Then, cover hair with a shower cap or towel and let the mask sit for 30 minutes. Wash out the mask with shampoo and conditioner. For best results, apply the mask once weekly.
2. DIY Body Scrub - How about a mask that combats cellulite, stretch marks + puffy faces? Check out this amazing Coconut Coffee Scrub!
Here's how it works:
Well it's safe to say that coconut oil is like the 8th wonder of the world and when combined with caffeine it's a power house! Caffeine in coffee grounds is a genius way to reduce cellulite. The caffeine absorbs into your skin and dehydrates the fluid in those pesky cellulite areas, so your skin is (temporarily) tighter and firmer. Score!
- Combine 1/2 cup of coconut oil (microwave briefly to liquefy) with 1/2 cup of fresh coffee grounds and then divide the mixture into a full-size muffin tin or ice cube trays.
- Once they have hardened you can pop them out and store in a Ziploc or something. If you’re not using them immediately, keep them in the freezer. And while you’re at it, you might as well put some on your face too.
- Coffee will have the same shrinkage effect on the face so it’s perfect for a bit o’ puffiness. Use the scrub + mask first thing in the morning.
3. DIY Skin Mask - As time goes on, we all want to aim for tighter skin. This mask will do the trick without harmful chemicals penetrating your pores!
Here's how it works:
This mask will cool you down and tighten your skin. Yogurt is one of the best ways to regulate your skins oils and egg whites are insanely good for tightening your face!
- Get 1 Egg White, Separated 2 Tablespoon Greek Yogurt
- Whisk egg white slightly then add yogurt. Mix well and apply to face using an old (clean) foundation brush.
- Leave mixture on for 10-15 minutes before rinsing with luke warm water. You can do this as often as you like.
4. DIY Soothing Body Butter - A soothing alternative to over-the-counter products that will leave your skin moisturized and happy for days! Check out this Vanilla and Vitamin E Body Butter.
Here's how it works:
Shea butter is known for its ability to be quickly absorbed into the skin, deeply restoring moisture content and elasticity. It’s also good to protect against sun and harsh air. Ideal for those with sensitive skin. Coconut Oil is key for Anti-Aging. Again very, very moisturizing but also contains anti fungal, antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. Has similar effects on the skin to an antioxidant. Vanilla Oil is relaxing and is a well known antioxidant, helping to rid skin of free radicals. It’s a great overall muscle relaxer and it’s similar to lavender in this respect. Vitamin E Oil is scar healing. Vitamin E is known to really good at reducing scar tissue, acne and skin blemishes. It’s why it’s in popular scar and acne ‘over the counter’ treatments. Additionally, the oil helps hold this solution together.
- 1/2 cup of Shea butter (Amazon)
- 1/4 cup of coconut oil (Trader Joes)
- 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla oil
- Tablespoon of vitamin E Oil (Trader Joes)
Place the shea butter into a mixing bowl. Melt the coconut oil and add this to the bowl (Please note: Coconut oil solidifies at room temp, so you’ll need to melt it, placing in bowl of warm water works.) Add in the Vitamin E and Vanilla. Freeze the mixture for 10 minutes, then whip with a fork for a better consistency. Add the contents to a air tight, sealed container.
5. DIY Anti-Aging Facial Serum - Instead of blowing your money on expensive night creams full of chemicals, fragrance and things we can’t even pronounce... make your own serum customized for your skin type. Feel the natural nourishing affects on your skin!
Here's how it works:
Why a serum? Why not a cream or lotion? The beauty of a serum is that most of the fluid is eliminated so what you’re left with is a high concentration of ingredients that penetrate your skin faster and more effectively. That makes serums ideal for troubleshooting specific problems such as age spots, sun damage and fine lines.
A 2% dilution (10-12 drops essential oils per ounce carrier oil) is a good dilution for daily skin care.
- 1 ounce (or 2 Tablespoons) of Sweet Almond oil (other good carrier oils for skin are Avocado, Jojoba, Olive, Rosehip Seed)
- 2 drops Lavender essential oil
- 2 drops Frankincense essential oil
- 2 drops Rose essential oil
- 2 drops Helichrysum essential oil
- 2 drops Sandalwood essential oil
- 2 drops Geranium essential oil
Add the almond oil and essential oils to a dark-colored 1-ounce glass dropper bottle and shake gently before each use.
How To Use:
Wash your face and use your toner before applying serum. Add a drop or two to your fingertip and dab gently on fine lines, age spots and uneven skin tone areas. Moisturizer, if you use one, goes on AFTER the serum.