LUX Summer Beauty: Beach Hair
Say YES to six steps that will seal the deal when it comes to salty kisses and beach wave hair! It's time for a little re-structure when it comes to taming those adventurous locks. The first commitment is to ditch out on hot tools to achieve the air-dried look. A perk to this is letting your hair breathe and have a chance to catch up on healing those ends. I know that's asking a lot, but trust the process, explore these steps and enjoy the on-the-go mentality of a carefree summer. Your hair is totally on board with this one even though there is still a bit of a routine to follow to avoid frizz central!
1) Condition: It's crucial to nurture your hair with a deep conditioning mask to keep it healthy, shiny and bouncy. We like Davines MOMO hair potion. It's ideal for all types of hair requiring hydration. You can use this leave-on formula that's characterized by a silky texture and is designed to deeply hydrate all the hair requiring it. it does not weigh down the hair and gives ultimate hydration, leaving the hair soft and shiny.
2) Ditch Excess Water: Grab a soft microfiber towel or an old t-shirt and gently press it against the hair. Be sure not to wrap a towel around your head like a turban, either. This can tug on the hair roots, put creases in the hair, and worse... cause breakage. Oops, we are guilty too! Fresh and bouncy is key.
3) Take Away The Tangles: After removing that excess moisture from your hair, use a wide-toothed comb to get out every last tangle. Remember to start in small sections at the bottom of your hair and work your way up, which is much more gentle on the hair shaft.
4) Texture: Give those locks something to work with when it comes to overall style, even if it's going for the messy beach look. We like Not Your Mother's Beach Babe Texturizing Spray. It adds sexy, tousled waves and a light matte finish to any hair type. Infused with natural dead sea salt and sea kelp this salon formula has you and your hair on the boardwalk all year long.
5) Dream: If you shower at night and plan on sleeping on damp hair, you've got a couple options that will bring forth beautiful hair come morning. If you're after beach waves, try braiding your hair loosely before bed. If smoother waves are your game, wrap hair in a bun on the top of your head. These tactics will also help keep hair from getting knotted in the middle of the night from tossing and turning. In the morning, just release hair and rake your fingers through to blend the sections together!
6) Touch: After blending your hair sections with your fingers, it's time to lightly style and go. If your hair is in need of volume or is looking a little greasy, try a spritz of your favorite dry shampoo at the roots. Now, off you go to seize the day!