
November 22nd to December 21st
The journey ahead is filled with surprising twists and turns supported by the Archer, whose unbridled movements enhance the adventure. These natives are optimistic and assist them in learning, understanding, and integrating emotions within relationships. Adaptable Sag and its ruler Jupiter are courageous and wise, which helps to negotiate with honesty instead of forcing something to happen. To maintain wellness, exercise outdoors and have stable, disciplined routines. Therapies for well-being include Thai massages, sports training programs, and creative visualizations.    

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December 22nd to January 19th
This year has been about finding your truth and releasing what isn’t working. A new phase is starting soon and you will have the strength to meet these challenges head-on with a newfound zest.


January 20th to February 18th
Excessive energy is electrifying your imagination. Artistic projects that were started can be revisited or redone. This grounds your vision with original intent and creates innovations to share. 


February 19th to March 20th
Overcome the urge to rush to the finish as more possibilities may come up. Added pressure reveals your capabilities and it’s important to savor this insight. Opportunities will bring a vision into action next year.


March 21st to April 19th
This year’s introspection fostered a sense of self-honesty and improved a holistic approach to mind-body-spirit connections. Recent clarity and wisdom reignites faith in yourself to step into a leadership role. 


April 20th to May 20th
Staying steady and pragmatic has a healing influence on the people and social groups in your sphere. Focusing on the dynamics of relating provides everyone a vision for working together synergistically.


May 21st to June 21st
Trust your intuition to support your life’s purpose. Develop ways to channel inspirational downloads and quiet internal chatter. Integrate some of this magic to stimulate your work onto a new path.


June 22nd to July 22nd
Self-care involves nurturing yourself as well as another. Retreat to a comfortable happy place in times of conflict. Take a few moments to daydream for a semi-vacation and mental break from the world.


July 23rd to August 22nd
Life’s limitations keep your attention focused elsewhere. Spend some time with significant others. Being present renews stamina and lets you spread loving generosity onto the world.


August 23rd to September 22nd
Perfection is difficult to attain. Planning and adjusting are part of the process in making things work. Release anxiety by discerning fresh perspectives with collaborators for the most efficient outcomes.


September 23rd to October 23rd
The possibilities are ripe for the picking, so choose the pathway that complements all aspects of the self, so as to thoroughly enjoy the process. Satisfaction and fulfillment are within your grasp.


October 24th to November 21st
Disjointed feelings are no longer alleviated from the coping skills you’ve relied upon. To avoid a crisis, trust your intuitive perception to reveal what’s needed for transformation in order to release these emotions. 

Astrologer Shari Schopp @shari_starlight