
December 22nd to January 19th
The new year starts with an earthy desire for stability and security. The Seagoat symbolizes the quest to attain new heights; however, the climb goes beyond the visible to the spiritual. Saturn, Cap’s ruler, has cardinal energy that derives a sense of purpose from past accomplishments with the discipline to overcome delayed actions, and taking some downtime gives momentum for refining and tweaking projects. For optimal health, go for a walk or hike, or try a Swedish massage, followed by a body-moisturizing treatment.

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BeeGoddess Diamond and Garnet Bee Earring, Single $1,970.00 from


January 20th to February 18th
This year, you are being asked to not give up on your dreams. Clear some space and take time to remove what no longer works, and show the world what you care about. Then, the opportunities will follow.   


February 19th to March 20th
Trust the process of trial and error. Being brave helps you overcome your fears and take the lead as a trendsetter, and your accumulated experiences encourage the hard work that comes with rewards. 


March 21st to April 19th
Having and accepting new information is your theme this year. There may be delays at first. Focusing will help you move forward. Positive reinforcements will be available when you let others help. 


April 20th to May 20th
There are changes that shift you out of your comfort zone. The challenge is to trust your intuition and deepen your understanding of what drives you subconsciously, and relaxation helps the process.


May 21st to June 21st
Expand your network this year with a balanced approach to energetic exchanges in communications. To avoid burnouts, take time to stop and rest. Regain confidence with the knowledge of your limitations.


June 22nd to July 22nd
The challenge this year is to be objective and practical while taking things slow. This re-orientation journey helps your evolving self to expand at your own pace, and staying realistic keeps you on track. 


July 23rd to August 22nd
A priority for the year is to cultivate how you want to be perceived in the world. It’s a time to develop or release aspects of your personality and then integrate these changes into manifesting dreams. 


August 23rd to September 22nd
Excitement is gained this year by a willingness to grow and find your passion. Trust your adaptable nature to push aside the old habits of how things are done, for you to have transformative benefits.


September 23rd to October 23rd
The topic for this year is relationships. Let your partnerships develop over time to allow space for personal growth. It is important to have friendships along with romance, but do not overextend yourself.


October 24th to November 21st
Having acceptance with where you are now, both literally and figuratively, helps to solidify a home base this year. If you feel the need for a drastic change, make sure it aligns with what you truly desire.


November 22nd to December 21st
The focus this year is on reinventing your style. The universe has plenty to offer; so, think out of the box. It’s time to be bold, creative, and fashionable. These new experiences uplift all around you.

Astrologer Shari Schopp @shari_starlight